Bambike, Bam-books, para sa Bam-bata!

In an era where youth are often criticized for being glued to smartphones and tablets, it is inspiring to witness how children are still excited by books and learning if given the chance. It was this exact feeling of hopefulness that we felt with the inaugural activities of the “Heritage on Wheels: Mobile Bamboo Library” project. Kids are innately drawn to educational experiences, and often, this youthful enthusiasm is only limited by accessibility – so we hopped on our bamboo bikes, and pedaled to bring books closer to communities.
This mobile library project was initiated by the UP School of Archaeology Library, in partnership with Tuklas Pilipinas, the UP ArchaeoSoc, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development (OVCRD), and Bambike Revolution Cycles. The construction of the mobile library was one of our highlights throughout Philippine Bamboo Month, and the opening activity of the project felt like one of our culminating events for September.
The library holds books with subjects of cultural heritage, the environment, history, and more. The vehicle itself is also a testament to sustainability, environmental heritage, and how we can create a greener future with lessons from the past. We sought to create a mobile library that not only encourages a love for reading, but also promotes sustainability and eco-consciousness.
Children are the inheritors of the earth. We believe it would make a big difference to inspire future heritage advocates and eco-warriors who can take care of the planet. Every pedal-stroke counts when it comes to fostering a greener tomorrow. Our partners from Tuklas Pilipinas and Archaeosoc hosted workshops about archaeology, history, and heritage – including fun lectures and hands-on “sandbox archaeology” experiences. The library had hosted a story telling activity, and we had sought to impart the value of sustainability and the green initiative to the young students. This first event took place at the public basketball court of Village A in Barangay UP Diliman. In the coming months, we will be pedaling to other villages of the locality and we aim to further develop the library and reach even further communities.